I do stuff like… go on an excursion to Roligheden Barnehage.
This morning we had our last excursion for our International and Comparative education class. We went to a kindergarten that was actually right across the street from my apartment. When we got there the supervisor had a PowerPoint explaining the history and main aims of the barnehage. We sat in little chairs and drank little cups of tea and coffee. After the presentation we had a little tour of the little school; she showed us where the students take naps … outside. There was a little room filled with strollers that opened up to the outside, this is where the students take their naps… year round.
Four days a week the nature groups go outside no matter what. Today we got to observe what they do when they are outside in the nature. I was quite surprised at the sight before me. There were two four-year-old boys sitting on a log carving wood with knives… sharp knives. Not only was I shocked that the boys were not really being supervised, I was also caught off guard by how well they handled the knives.
Right behind the carving boys I looked up to see three small girls easily climbing up and down the massive rocks. On the other side there was a boy climbing a tree and counting pinecones while under him was a game of impressively played soccer by the children.
Beyond the small soccer field was one of the helpers harnessing up a small girl who then scaled the miniature mountain and then repelled back down with her rope as if it were as simple as walking. She hurried over to join her two of her friends that were getting their little lunch packs out of their little hiking bags. It was then that I realized that these were the tiny skiers I had seen everywhere all winter.
I stood wide-eyed and just watched the children as they explored and had adventures that children in America would be never have. The supervisor said they hadn’t had any major accidents and that the children were always safe. It is no wonder why Norwegians love nature so much they eat, sleep, and are practically raised outside.